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Elevator button and door handle


Elevator Project is more than just a construction endeavor; it's a vision to create a seamless, sophisticated, and secure vertical mobility solution tailored to enhance your everyday life.

an 8-inch steel-enforced pit in the basement to hold the weight of the elevator

After digging an 8-inch steel-enforced pit in the basement to hold the weight of the elevator we ran electric to mechanicals. Next Busche Elevators installed these carrier platforms to hold the weight of the elevator and the overhead motor to lift the elevator.

Inside the elevator is a built-in speaker phone service in place for emergencies, even when power goes out. On the outside, you can call the elevator to either your or another floor.

Inside the elevator is a built-in speaker phone service in place for emergencies, even when power goes out. On the outside, you can call the elevator to either your or another floor.
elevator folding door

Included in the elevator is an accordion-style folding door. This is an added safety feature when traveling between floors. We also built a custom baffling mounted to the entry doors, providing only enough space to turn the handle. This provides added safety compliance to the local residential elevator code.

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